Western Union Now Supported By Adsense in Indonesia, Great!
Western Union Quick Cash is a payment method that allows you to receive your AdSense payments in cash using the worldwide Western Union money transfer service. Payments will be available for pick up at your local Western Union Agent the day after they are sent according to our normal payment schedule. This means that you won't have to wait for a check to arrive in the mail. Choosing to receive your payments by Western Union can also cut down on the bank fees and long clearing times associated with depositing checks. Your Western Union Quick Cash payment will be made in US dollars. However, at most Western Union Agent locations, you may have the option to receive your payment in your local currency. Conversion rates will be calculated according to the rate used by the Western Union Agent on the day you pick up your payment. To begin receiving your AdSense payments by Western Union Quick Cash, simply follow our instructions. Please note that at this time, this payment option is only available to individual publishers. Please also be aware that at this time AdSense does not charge you a fee if you choose to receive payments by Western Union Quick Cash.This is a good news for adsense publisher in Indonesia since from now on Western Union is supported by google adsense as the payment method for Indonesian. I knew about this through adsense email this morning (Sunday, 7th Februari 2009) in my mailbox. At the beginning, I didn't find the mail, but when I would to sign up, I recheck my mail box and then... the good news from google adsense appeared. Simply I login to my adsense page and change my payment method from check to western union opp.
Western Union now available in Indonesia, Great great great..! This means that we won't have to wait for a check to arrive in the mail. Choosing to receive your payments by Western Union can also cut down on the bank fees and long clearing times associated with depositing checks.
I'm sure all of Indonesian adsense publisher will prefer to this payment method than delivery check as long as your earning less than or equal to USD 2,000. Why?, I don't know why the limit should be less than or equal to USD 2,000.
Read more about this feature as I quoted from adsense support page on wester union:What is payment by Western Union Quick Cash?
weeehh dah dapet berapa ratus dolar bro? i just give $mile, dibales ya biar sama2 dapet dolar too :D
tapi musti ati2 bro dipelajari dulu yang cermat soalnya western union itu terkenal muaaaahaaaaallll :-)
pernah nyairin ceknya lum?? aku baru dapat nich..tp lum tau caranya
@Ardhianto: Keep fair bro, nanti ketahuan google bisa celaka kita. Aku masih ingin accountku hidup lebih lama he he he
@balidreamhome: google said: This payment method is quick, easy, and free. gimana jelaskan? terus dari informasi yang aku search, kita cuma diminta uang IDR 6.000 untuk ganti materai. Kecuali uang yang kita terima dalam mata uang selain USD (misal Euro), kita akan kena cas 50.000. Gitu bro
@ekosulistio: bro, blogmu tidak ditemukan. Aku dah pernah nyairin cek adsense di Bank Syariah Mandiri. Ini ketentuannya:
1. Kita dimintai KTP sesuai alamat cek.
2. Biaya dimuka USD 10
3. Kalau berhasil, uang yang kita terima di potong USD 20 untuk adminisrasi.
4. Kalau cek-nya kosong, uang direkening kita di potong USD 20 sebagai ganti biaya adm yang gagal didapat bank dari komisi.
5. O iya kita harus sudah jadi nasabah dan tidak ada ketentuan berapa lama sudah jadi nasabah.
Melihat hal ini, berarti biaya BSM tidak beda sama induknya, bank mandiri
lupa. lamanya proses sekitar 30 hari.
wah mantap donk, kayanya dah pada sukses jadi blogger neh
Nice info sob... langsung ke TKP
roada yang pernah nyoba Bank Ekonomi ngga, disana juga bisa cairkan Cek dari google adsense or Adbrite, tapi harus punya rek. Bank Ekonomi dan biayanya 125ribu, ku udah pernah cairkan 2x from adbrite melalui bank ekonomi . bagi yang mau .. silakan coba good luck for get high revenue :)
Saya kira mencairkan cek di City Bank juga ga' repot kog, kita hanya perlu membayar uang administrasi Rp. 100.000,- dan mengisi formulir untuk collection fee, dan setelah lebih kurang 30 hari, biasanya uang-nya sudah cair. Memang kita mesti sabarlah nunggu sebulan, sebelum bisa menikmati uang dari Google... :). Jadi tidak ada pemotongan yg lain lagi!!!
Oh ya... untuk informasi tambahan, di Citibank kita ga' perlu ada account, dan alamat saya di cek dari google dan KTP berbeda juga ga' da masalah.., tetap CAIR !!! All the best buat semua !!!
Barusan aku nyairin cek via Citibank kena biaya admin 250rb, katanya tahun ini biayanya baru aja naik :(
thanks ya infonya..
GA-ku masih seumur jagung..jadi belum ada apa2nya..
pelan2 aja..lama2 jadi dollar..hehe
kalau ga ada citybank, make Bank niaga juga mantap bro,,eh yang aku bingung ntar tuh kita dibayar duit rupiah apa dollar ya dari western Union?pengennya c tetep dollar,kan keren tuh,,n nguntungin kita juga karena bisa kapan aja nyairinya..he...
postingan yang bagus, eh ngomong2 mas admin ini udah pernah dibayar performancing belum sih ? performancing scam bro, saya 2 bulan nggak dibayar.
Performancing? What kind of business is that? May I know it's url?
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