The Four International Red Cross Movement Emblems ~ Nanang Public Area

23 November 2008

The Four International Red Cross Movement Emblems

red lion emblemred cross, red cristal and red crescent emblemsThere are four emblems recognized as the symbol of humanitarian purpose in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The emblems use as symbol to protect the victims of armed conflict. The emblems are Red Cross, Red Crescent, Red Sun and Lion and, Red Cristal as the last emblem.

Geneva Convention 1949 and its additional protocol provide regulation for utilization and protection of the emblem to prevent misuses in peace and armed conflict situation. The use of these emblems by society in Indonesia and other countries world wide has made the essence of its existence fade.The misuse and violation cases are increasing in numbers.

My bachelor thesis analyzed of the requirements to be fulfilled in using the emblems, the parties and objects that allowed to use, the obligation of the parties involve in armed conflict in terms of its protection and, regulation with respect to utilizations and protection on of the emblems in Indonesia. Research method applied is juridical norm approach. The study conducted is a descriptive study that used primary, secondary and tertiary source of law materials. Collected data is processed and analyzed by using qualitative method. The study found that the emblems of International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement can be utilized by complementing certain requirements and are allowed to certain parties and objects.

In armed conflict circumstance, the hostility parties are obligated to respect and to protect the emblems. The study also revealed that regulation with respect to utilization and protection of these emblems in Indonesia has not established yet. It is against the Geneva Convention 1949 and its additional protocol. Every country, especially for high contracting parties should have affirmation to guarantee respect and protection of the emblems, both in peace and armed conflict circumstances. These are keywords in the recommendation state at the end of my thesis.

I researched for International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement because I'm interested to International Humanitarian Law and I'm a red cross
volunteer as well. If you are interested too on International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, let's we discuss it.

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