Learn on Logical Framework Approach for NGO ~ Nanang Public Area

12 March 2009

Learn on Logical Framework Approach for NGO

logical framework approachWhen you are designing a project or program, you need a tool to guide you in planning and managing your program or project. For those who works in program/project division at an NGO, should learn more Logical Framework Approach (LFA) since this methodology is adopted by almost of NGO and funding agency in the world.

The LFA method was developed by Leon J. Rosenberg, under contract to USAID in 1969. Practical Concepts Incorporated, a firm founded by Rosenberg, then extended use of LFA to 35 countries. LFA is widely used by bilateral and multilateral donor organizations like GTZ, SIDA, NORAD, DFID, UNDP and EC. It has also been widely adopted by NGOs, though not without reservations and concerns by some. In the 1990s it was often mandatory for aid organisations to use the LFA in their project proposals but its use in recent years has become more optional.

It is useful to distinguish between the two terms: the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) and Logical Framework (LF or Logframe). They are sometimes confused. The Logical Framework Approach is a project design methodology, the LogFrame is a document.
Advantages of the Logical Framework

The Logical Framework has the following advantages:

* It brings together in one place a statement of all the key components of a project (this is particularly helpful when there is a change of staff)
* It presents them in a systematic, concise and coherent way, thus clarifying and exposing the logic of how the project is expected to work
* It separates out the various levels in the hierarchy of objectives, helping to ensure that inputs and outputs are not confused with each other or with objectives and that wider ranging objectives are not overlooked
* It clarifies the relationships which underlie judgments about likely efficiency and effectiveness of projects
* It identifies the main factors related to the success of the project
* It provides a basis for monitoring and evaluation by identifying indicators of success, and means of quantification or assessment
* It encourages a multidisciplinary approach to project preparation and supervision.

Please feel free to find up related and complete article at google. It is really useful for you in program or project development.

This post has 1 comment:

Riwayat Attubani said...

hai salam damai
kunjungi http://blogkampanyedamaipemiluindonesia2009.blogspot.com


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