General Election in Indonesia: Let Use Our Vote! ~ Nanang Public Area

06 April 2009

General Election in Indonesia: Let Use Our Vote!

contreng in Indonesia General Election 2009For my brothers and sisters Indonesian who have the right and chance to vote. Indonesia General Election 2009 for senate and legislative session will be held on April 9th. To use your vote is your right, but please use it properly. Do not become an abstainer or refrain your self to put the vote. On behalf of the democracy and change, just mark (contreng) whatever party or candidate do you like but do not stay at home and let your ballot misused by pettyfogging people to gain their political ambitions.

If you think none of the candidates are represent you hope, keep to choose the better among the bad candidates. You are the best to decide this nation for the next five years. Let be a smart citizen by take our participation for Indonesia General Election 2009. By abstain, there are no changes will be. Even, the representative slot will not be reduced if the votes are less than the registered voters. Keep in mind, to choose is better than do nothing.

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