Law Allowing Internet Cutoff Was Rejected by EU Parliament ~ Nanang Public Area

09 May 2009

Law Allowing Internet Cutoff Was Rejected by EU Parliament

internet access cutoffA controversial law which allowed France authority to cut off an internet access to people who download illegal copies of movies or records, was rejected by EU Parliament. The European Parliament rejected Wednesday attempts by EU governments. Many medias reported that the "cutoff" is a part of a provision to be proposed to update Europe wide telecommunication rules.

The EU assembly voted 407 to 57 to throw out a compromise reached with EU governments a few weeks ago that would have allowed France to cut off Internet access to people who download illegal copies of movies or records. Lawmakers reinstated an earlier demand that no restriction may be imposed on the fundamental rights and freedoms of users, without prior ruling by the judicial authorities.

Hmm, it was confused in my mind, how come the EU (with its 27 nations member) as the great democracy country and respect to human right, it's government issued the controversial regulation suddenly. But, it was great action of the parliament to rejected it. I'm afraid, if the regulation is accepted, sooner or longer, then the major of the countries in the world will adopt it.

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